Festival Activities
2024 Schedules
Workshop Stage
*Near the main entrance and next to showers
Wernick Lessons taught by Certified Instructors:
(Must sign up in advance.)
Friday - 10am -12pm - Bill Parker (Big Valley Bluegrass)
Saturday 10am -12pm - Liz Wolfe (Slow Jam Instructor)
Friday 8/2
1-2pm Mandolin Workshop with Bill Parker - Big Valley Bluegrass
2-3pm Harmony Workshop with Circa Blue (Steve Harris, Wayne Lanham and Ryan Mullens)
3-4pm Setup and Maintenance of the Banjo - Danny Stewart Jr. (The Turtle Hill Banjo Company)
4-5pm Harmonica - Steve Walker (Hex Hollow Rounders)
Saturday 8/3
1-2 pm Howdy Jam - Sandi Marola
2-3pm Banjo Workshop - Greg Cahill – Special Consensus
3-4pm Jam with the Band - Blue Diggity Band
4-5pm Fiddle Workshop - Becky Buller
Children’s Activities
*A&C Pavilion is on the hill between Flatt’s Run Rd & Sully Stage
*The Youth Area has the big firepit next to the Day Parking lot
11am-1pm Build a “Canjo” (A&C Pavilion)
2-4pm Umbrellas (A&C Pavilion)
11am-1pm Build a “Canjo” (A&C Pavilion)
1:30-3pm Geometric Drawing (A&C Pavilion)
3-5pm Umbrellas (A&C Pavilion)
8:30pm Movie Night (Backwoods Stage)
2pm Tie-Dye Shirts for non-academy children (A&C Pavilion)
8:30pm Sing Song & S’Mores!! with Dave Fry (Youth Area)
9:30pm Umbrella Parade (Youth Area ending at A&C Pavilion)
1:30-2:30PM —Pick up Tie Dye (A&C Pavilion)
Jam Tent
*Located on the Strip - Next to the Electric Field
Thursday, 8/1
2-5pm Liz Wolf – Slow Jam
7-9pm Liz Wolfe Open Jam – Everyone Welcome
Friday, 8/2
11am – 2pm Dave Miller
2-5pm Dave Hampton
Saturday, 8/3
11am-2pm Ben Jarnatwoski - Doylestown Jam
2-5pm Shane McGeehan - Shane McGeehan Band
AFBA Youth Academy
*The Youth area and Academy Tent are located next to Day Parking
6-7:30pm Registration
Parents must accompany children to register & children should bring their own instruments.
7:30pm Tie-dye Shirt making
Staff will escort students to the A&C pavilion to make T-shirts that will be worn on the stage performance on Sunday.
10am-12pm Learn to play your instrument
2-4pm Practice your songs
10am Meeting and Practice
(parents of new/young students welcome)
1pm Performance on the Main Stage
(Invite friends and family on Sunday: Free entry!)
AFBA Youth Academy
A safe, fun, learning environment for youth interested in playing traditional instruments. The AFBA Academy offers fun, professional instruction at no cost to the students, with the opportunity to perform on the main stage.
The Academy begins with registration Friday evening, & will practice Saturday and perform Sunday.
Jamming, Kids’ Activities, & Workshops
All throughout the festival weekend the AFBA provides multiple experiences ranging from Free Jams, Scheduled Jams & Workshops with experts for all, & Crafts & Games or Movies for Kids & Teens.
Bring an instrument & learn some new skills, & have your kids create keepsakes to remember all their festival fun!