

Upcoming Shindig Info:

Sunday, March 9th Membership Meeting 10:30 AM

Sunday March 9th Shindig Gate opens at noon, Music begins at 12:30

Dyele E. Bray Home Association

202Washington Blvd (RT.191) Bangor, PA 18013

Featured Bands

Burnt Mills Highballers

Kelly and the Perks


Food Vendor: Dyle E. Bray Kitchen & Bar


Shindig: FREE for Active Members;

$10 for Social members

$15 for Non-Members

All fees payable at the gate

Free Lesson

Fiddle Lesson

The AFBA holds “Shindigs” from November to April on 2nd Sundays at
The Dyle E. Bray Home Association (former VFW) 
202  Washington Blvd, Bangor, PA 18013
Doors Open at Noon – Member Meeting at 10:30 am 
February is the first Sunday due to the Super Bowl  
In May & September shindigs will be held outside at Mountain View Park.
Shindigs include stage performances generously put on by regional bands that donate their talents, as well as open jam sessions where “pickers” of all levels are welcome to participate and learn. 

Advertising sponsorships for Shindigs are welcome & available!